This year, Hong Kong (1) emerged as the most expensive city for
expatriates both in Asia and globally as a consequence of Luanda's drop in the
ranking due to the weakening of its local currency. Singapore (4) remained
steady while Tokyo (5) climbed six places. Shanghai (7) and Beijing (10)
follow. Shenzhen (12) is up two places while Seoul (15) and Guangzhou, China
(18) dropped seven and three spots, respectively.
"The strengthening of the Japanese yen pushed Japanese
cities up in the ranking," said Ms. Constantin-Métral. "However,
Chinese cities fell in the ranking due to the weakening of the Chinese yuan
against the US dollar."
Mumbai (82) is India's most expensive city, followed by New
Delhi (130) and Chennai (158). Kolkata (194) and Bangalore (180) are the least
expensive Indian cities ranked. Elsewhere in Asia, Bangkok (74), Kuala Lumpur
(151) and Hanoi (106) plummeted twenty-nine, thirty-eight, and twenty places,
respectively. Baku (172) had the most drastic fall in the ranking, plummeting
more than one hundred places. The city of Ashkhabad in Turkmenistan climbed
sixty-one spots to rank 66 globally.
Second Most Expensive City in the World
Johannesburg drops fourteen places and Cape
Town eight compared to 2015 survey
Despite volatile global markets and growing security issues,
organizations continue to leverage global expansion strategies to remain
competitive and to grow. Yet, few organizations are prepared for the challenges
world events have on their business, including the impact on cost of expatriate
packages. Mercer's 22nd annual Cost of Living Survey finds that factors
including currency fluctuations, cost inflation for goods and services, and
instability of accommodation prices, contribute to the cost of expatriate
packages for employees on international assignments.
"Despite technology advances and the rise of a globally
connected workforce, deploying expatriate employees remains an increasingly
important aspect of a competitive multinational company's business strategy,"
said Ilya Bonic, Senior Partner and President of Mercer's Talent business.
"However, with volatile markets and stunted economic growth in many parts
of the world, a keen eye on cost efficiency is essential, including a focus on
expatriate remuneration packages. As organizations' appetite to rapidly grow
and scale globally continues, it is necessary to have accurate and transparent
data to compensate fairly for all types of assignments, including short-term
and local plus status."
According to Mercer's 2016 Cost of Living Survey, Hong Kong tops
the list of most expensive cities for expatriates, pushing Luanda, Angola to
second position. Zurich and Singapore remain in third and fourth positions,
respectively, whereas Tokyo is in fifth, up six places from last year.
Kinshasa, ranked sixth, appears for the first time in the top 10, moving up
from thirteenth place.
Other cities appearing in the top 10 of Mercer's costliest
cities for expatriates are Shanghai (7), Geneva (8), N'Djamena (9), and Beijing
(10). The world's least expensive cities for expatriates, according to Mercer's
survey, are Windhoek (209), Cape Town (208), and Bishkek (207).
The Americas
Cities in the United States have climbed in the ranking due to
the strength of the US dollar against other major currencies, in addition to
the significant drop of cities in other regions which resulted in US cities
being pushed up the list. New York is up five places to rank 11, the
highest-ranked city in the region. San Francisco (26) and Los Angeles (27)
climbed eleven and nine places, respectively, from last year while Seattle (83)
jumped twenty-three places.
In South America, Buenos Aires (41) ranked as the costliest city
despite a twenty-two place drop from last year. San Juan, Puerto Rico (67) follows
as the second most expensive location in the region, climbing twenty-two spots.
The majority of other cities in South America fell as a result of weakening
currencies against the US dollar despite price increases on goods and services
in countries, such as Brazil, Argentina, or Uruguay. In particular, São Paolo
(128) and Rio de Janeiro (156) plummeted eighty-eight and eighty-nine places,
respectively, despite a strong increase for goods and services. Lima (141)
dropped nineteen places while Bogota (190) fell forty-two places. Managua (192)
is the least expensive city in South America. Caracas in Venezuela has been
excluded from the ranking due to the complex currency situation; its ranking
would have varied greatly depending on the official exchange rate selected.
Canadian cities continued to drop in this year's ranking mainly
due to the weak Canadian dollar. The country's highest-ranked city, Vancouver
(142), fell twenty-three places. Toronto (143) dropped seventeen spots, while
Montreal (155) and Calgary (162) fell fifteen and sixteen spots, respectively.
Europe, the Middle East, and
Two European cities are among the top 10 list of most expensive
cities. At number three in the global ranking, Zurich remains the most costly
European city, followed by Geneva (8), down three spots from last year. The
next European city in the ranking, Bern (13), is down four places from last
year following the weakening of the Swiss franc against the US dollar.
Several cities across Europe remained relatively steady due to
the stability of the euro against the US dollar. Paris (44), Milan (50), Vienna
(54), and Rome (58) are relatively unchanged compared to last year, while
Copenhagen (24) and St. Petersburg (152) stayed in the same place.
Other cities, including Oslo (59) and Moscow (67), plummeted
twenty-one and seventeen places, respectively, as a result of local currencies
losing significant value against the US dollar. London (17) and Birmingham, UK
(96) dropped five and sixteen places, respectively, while the German cities of
Munich (77), Frankfurt (88), and Dusseldorf (107) climbed in the ranking.
A few cities in Eastern and Central Europe climbed in the
ranking as well, including Kiev (176) and Tirana (186) rising eight and twelve
spots, respectively.
Tel Aviv (19) continues to be the most expensive city in the
Middle East for expatriates, followed by Dubai (21), Abu Dhabi (25), and Beirut
(50). Jeddah (121) remains the least expensive city in the region despite
rising thirty places. "Several cities in the Middle East experienced a
jump in the ranking, as they are being pushed up by other locations' decline,
as well as the strong increase for expatriate rental accommodation costs,
particularly in Abu Dhabi and Jeddah," said Ms. Constantin-Métral.
Despite dropping off the top spot on the global list, Luanda,
Angola (2) remains the highest ranking city in Africa. Kinshasa (6) follows,
rising seven places since 2015. Moving up one spot, N'Djamena (9) is the next
African city on the list, followed by Lagos, Nigeria (13) which is up seven
places. Dropping three spots, Windhoek (209) in Namibia ranks as the least
expensive city in the region and globally. Johannesburg and Cape Town also drop
fourteen and eight places consecutively.
"Exchange rates' volatility amongst most African currencies
and the concomitant impact thereof on inflation, some sooner and some later,
directly contributes to the varying results when compared against the 2015
findings. The excessive cost of rented expatriate type accommodation in Luanda is
greatly contributing to its retained status as one of the most expensive cities
in the world to live in." explained Mr. Carl Van Heerden Mercer's Global
Mobility Leader for Africa.
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