All Set For RCCG Annual Convention 2016

With Joy in our heart and with praise to the name of our God, we like to welcome all the children of God to the 64th Annual Convention of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, 2016, with the theme: AMEN

Amen as we all know is one of the names of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Revelations 3:14. You re therefore coming into this convention to encounter the Amen!
You will encounter Him in genuine salvation as it is His desire to have all men saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth (1Tim.2:4). Nothing sets free like the truth (Jn.8:32), and we re believing God for you that the freedom you may have been searching for all about will finally become yours during this convention
You will encounter the Amen in healing and deliverance. When Jesus saves, He also heals and delivers
10 On a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues, 11 and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all. 12 When Jesus saw her, he called her forward and said to her, “Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.” 13 Then he put his hands on her, and immediately she straightened up and praised God Luke 13:10-13.
Like the daughter of Abraham in the above passage, those the enemy might have rubbed of their joy, hindered from reaching the height of their dreams such that many who started before us have caught up with us and have left us behind. For all such, we are believing God for us that in this convention, we will encounter the Amen, we shall be delivered and will henceforth gain speed, catch up with those who may have left us behind and even overtake them. It is our season of restoration.
Many will encounter the Amen in spiritual revival. It is possible your spiritual life hasn’t been what it ought to be, you are unable to pray like before, many spiritual gifts you once had has been lost, in sanctification you are no more there, and generally you have turned cold in your attitude to the things of God. In this convention, you will experience revival in your body, soul and spirit, our love for God will surge back.
Whatever may be our area(s) of need, be it material, physical, emotional or marital etc, we‘ve come to the right place, this convention is specially packaged for us. We will never remain the same anymore.
As Amen also means “so let it be”, it tells me God will be answering prayers like we’ve never seen before at this year’s convention. I therefore, will like to congratulate you ahead concerning all your unanswered prayers. They will all receive answers in Jesus mighty name. (Matt. 7:7-12)

It is therefore, our responsibility to ask you to get yourself ready for what God has in stock for all of us. Come ready for Him, pray the way you’ve never prayed before, be at every meeting and promptly also, release your faith and watch the Amen taking care of the rest. This shall be one convention you will live to remember.

Programme schedules mk2 
