What MMM Nigeria Says About Cash Freeze

Members of the famous money-doubling scheme, Mavrodi Mundial Moneybox, MMM have been thrown into panic and great confusion,
Tuesday, following the message from the ponzi scheme freezing all confirmed Mavros, otherwise known as money due for withdrawal for one month.

This means, all the accounts of members who are due to be paid after having ‘provided help’ (PH) to another person since the last month have been frozen until January next year...

Nigerian Bulletin contacted the Customer Care section of the MMM Nigeria website and discussed with an Agent and why and what caused the Freeze at this Festive season.

The agent, Tim said: "there is no crash at all... during Christ mass like this many tend to withdraw thereby making the system unhealthy, MMM is wise devising means for its sustainability".

Here are other gist from our chats with Tim, a consultant and Agent with MMM Nigeria:
